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1. Mi§§ ÐЯacula [431079]
2. SpeedDemon [461428]
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4. r!cks╬A [323762]
5. DA🈹I buy old gear L500+🈹 [224819]
6. Dev [845891]
7. Bushido69 [129192]
8. mickoloko [506944]
9. Palex [364506]
10. Wolfen [60210]
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Do you need to contact Samurai of Legend by email? Well here's how you do it. Simply fillout the form, submit, and Walla!
You will instantly email the staff of this wonderful free online game. It should be noted, however, that if you are a current Samurai,
and have an account, it is best to contact SamuraiAdmin through game mail. This contact form is primarily for business inquiries and
other non-game issues. If you dont have an account but enjoy online mmorpgs, give us a shot, login and have some fun.

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